TO US!! It was Devin and my three year anniversary yesterday (the 25th of February). I meant to post something all day but Devin had the computer for school stuff. Anyway, yep three years even though some days it has felt like longer, ha ha. You don't have to worry about this post being all cheesy because I am not going to make it that way. I might be a cheesy person sometimes but my marriage is not. It's VERY REAL, so real in fact I am not even going to put that these past three years have been the best of my life. Yes there are good days and some bad but let's face it we are in a marriage and sometimes it can be hard. I will say this much I love my husband more than anything and I know he loves me the same. I also know that we our committed to working through things and being there for one another for the best and the worst. I also know that we would fight for each other and our marriage. To me that's what counts. Devin and I have both been through so much in our previous relationships we both know there is no such thing as perfect or fairytale and luckily for that we have a great relationship and we are each others best friends. Like I have said before even on our worst day there is nobody else I would rather share my life with and I am thankful we found each other because I know I have someone that would do anything for me and our family and that loves me with complete honesty. So who needs prince charming when I got my Wesley (don't worry Dev knows what this means) and as far as happy endings go we don't need that either because we get forever to figure it out!
Lets take a look at the last three years, I apologize some of these pictures are bad. I was too lazy to go find the discs for some so they are taken from pictures on my wall. lol
Happy Anniversary!! I loved the "wesley" comment. I can only guess what you're referring to. I'm glad your anniversary was great. Even though everyone says the "first" year of marriage is the hardest.... I say its the first THREE years. Hats off to you both for surviving the first 3!!
Congrats Amy. I actually loved that post and totally apreciate it. I am glad you found each other that is awesome!
Happy 7th Anniversary!!!! LOL I am glad you two are still in love.
Happy Anniversary. It was fun to see all the pictures of you guys. You look so happy.
Happy Anniversary! You guys are the cutest family :)
those are all way cute pics! Congrats!!! I tagged you!
Happy Happy Anniversary! You guy's are such a darling couple! And I got your text and forgot to respond. YES, we need to do lunch. I'm good for Tuesday or Thursday next week. Let me know!
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