Wednesday, August 27, 2008
First day of Preschool
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
TaLkIn TuEsDaY
So todays topic....regular household chores, such as making the bed and laundry, etc. Why do we do it?? Especially making the bed. We get up make the bed that we just slept in. We tuck straighten, smooth and put decorative pillows on and for what?? To take them all off and undo everything we just did not that long ago. Then only to have our husband complain about the stupid decorative pillows and comforters that we don't even use. It just gets folded up and laid down at the end of the bed until it's made again. We do this routine over and over. I just personally feel it is so pointless. Especially when sometimes I don't get around to making the bed until later in the afternoon because I am doing more important things that NEED to get done. So then the bed is only made for like 6 hours, so stupid. Also folding laundry and putting it away. Now I know why we do laundry so we have clean clothes, towels and whatever else.But then again what is the point of folding it and putting it away especially when you just get it out wear it or use it then throw it back in the dirty clothes again to be washed, refolded and put away. Especially with underwear you only wear it once and I feel that is something I am always washing folding and putting away for it to just be done again in a few days. We should just get these huge baskets for each thing like; clothes, towels, underwear, etc. throw them in there when they are clean and you just pull them out when you need them. Then you don't feel as bad for folding them and putting them away just to get them unfolded and back out to use again. I know I am so re tarted or maybe just lazy but I swear especially the making the bed thing are just pointless things to my day that will never end. Well the wraps it up for today's Talking Tuesday. Until next time......
Monday, August 25, 2008
Need I say more??? On Saturday night I invited my sisters and their husbands over for game night, not Xbox night!!! We started off eating Chinese food that we ordered in and then we were going to play games. Which started out being a nightmare with 3 baby girls all under 4 months that were screaming and 2 four year old little boys who were bouncing off the walls. After we got everything all settled this is what we found. Ummm hello we were going to play games as "couples" and not Nintendo games either. Needless to say we didn't get started until 11:00 P.M. and the games only lasted an hour. Next time sisters we are going to forget the guys, the kids, and the games all together and just do a girls night!
Summer coming to an end
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
TaLkIn TuEsDaY

Congrats you two Congrats!!! You've done it again.......And that wraps it up for Talkin Tuesday for those that made it through we will see you next week same day same blog!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Gracie's two Week Pictures

I figure since Gracie is six weeks old I would finally post her two week pictures. I tried to do a slideshow but for some reason it wouldn't work on my computer tonight. So I had to limit what I put up and I know what your thinking...this isn't limited at all but I am a bias mom and there is double this that I wanted to post! Thanks again Tiffany for doing her pictures I think they turned out great!! I can't believe she is already six weeks old, man how the weeks have flown. I was looking at these pictures and it has made me sad because she is not that little anymore. I swear she has doubled in size. When she was first born I thought she was never going to fit in all these cute Summer clothes that were 0-3 months before it wasn't hot anymore because she was so teeny. I wanted her to get big so fast so she could wear them and now that she can I just wish she was little again. I always have to remind myself to live for the now not "what's next". I am only going to get this once with her so I just need to live each moment to the fullest and enjoy it! She is so fun and sweet though and I love having a little girl.....the bows, skirts, dresses, and bracelets. I am going to have to file bankrupcy because I can't help but buy every girl thing I see.
Friday, August 15, 2008
A little Break
So this last week I went down to my parents vacation house in St. George. It was just the kids and me along with my parents, my brother CJ and sister Jenessa. We had alot of fun. It was great for me and was really relaxing because my sister Jenessa help take care of Gracie half of the time. (except for in the middle of the night when she would get up to eat, of course) So I got to lay out and swim the whole time.The weather was really hot but nice for swimming and laying out anyway. Easton had a ball just being there, he was grandpa's buddy the whole weekend since daddy wasn't there. He had grandpa watching cartoons with him, playing catch, and chasing him around the house it was cute. He was so funny because he wouldn't come out to the pool unless Grandpa or CJ was going to come with him.Gracie was really good and wasn't put down hardly because everyone wanted to hold her. She was smiling so much for everyone but Grandma. So my mom doesn't believe she really can smile because every time she would smile we would try and get grandma's attention she would stop or grandma would miss it. I think she was teasing you mom, soon you will be able to see her cute smile and dimples. One night Gracie even slept 7 hours which was a treat. Devin couldn't come because of work but hey it was a nice break from him too. LOL Now if I can just get one without the kids.......
The pool and Hot tub!
View from the backyard
Gracie having her bath in the sink
Aunt Nessie helping and uncle CJ doesn't do so well w/the camera
Mommy and Grace girl!
I love her in her towel
Asleep in her bouncer
Isn't she precious!!!!
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