Babies when they are born aren't the prettiest and I don't care what anyone says "they just aren't" and I looked at her and she had this huge cone head, I mean HUGE and she had this mark of a line across her forehead from the cord of the internal heart monitor and she was all swollen and I was looking at her and was like "that can't be my baby"! I know horrible huh. Luckily I can laugh about it now cause I know I love her more than words can express. So needless to say I didn't hold her right away because I was a little in SHOCK that I just birthed this ALIEN. So that is the story but it wasn't too long after that my mom convinced me that she was still cute (cause she was mine) so I held her. lol.
I think her dad was instantly in love from the moment he laid eyes on her, he was glowing! It was so cute it made me fall in love with HIM ALL OVER AGAIN. She still to this day has him wrapped around her finger, even more so and I think it is only going to get worse but it's ok she is still a momma's girl. When Devin gets home from work and she sees him she get so excited she starts wiggling out of my arms to get to him or will reach out to him instantly! As soon as she sees him or hears his voice she gets this big old grin, it is so precious!
I guess part of me couldn't believe that I had a little girl. I don't know why but I just never thought I would get one. After having Easton I just thought for sure I would always have boys and I thought I was ok with that until she entered my life. I never thought having a girl could be so fun and so different from a boy. I always knew I wanted to name my first little girl Gracie. I told Devin that from day one of knowing the sex and he wasn't about to have a girl named Gracie but obviously it grew on him either that or he knew I would get my way no matter what he wanted! It's funny too cause I wanted to make sure it was Gracie and not Grace but we actually call her Grace alot well actually Grace Girl!
Easton has been so cute with her since day 2 I would say, he wasn't too sure about her that first night meeting her. He has been such a good brother to her and very protective already. Maybe I won't have to be the one chasing the boys out the door :) He is very sweet and helpful, well most the time. Now that she has gotten older I think he is enjoying her even more and realizing how much fun she can be but also how she will get into his things as well. It's good for him though. I can't wait to see all the things good and bad I guess he will teach her. Knowing my luck even though I am so girly she will grow up to be a Tom boy because of her big bro. Only time will tell.
It has been so fun having a girl with my sisters. The three of them are all within three months apart and it has already been a blast. With all the twinner out fits and girly things it has been alot of fun and we are just getting started. I have a feeling these three will ALL be trouble but at the same time alot of fun. I hope they will all be close and good to each other because me and my sisters are like best friends so they will have to be too.
They are all so different in there own little ways, which has made things more entertaining. Ire is the hyper, loud one, full of it little personality, always putting on a show. Hallie is Calm and sweet and also very sensitive. Gracie actually has turned out to be the more aggressive out of the three which I find rather humorous, not in just how she plays but she is very affectionate! My mom says she might look like her dad but she has her mama's personality (just as long as she is not like that with boys) Gracie has been a very happy baby, she is good with people and even though she prefers her mom she will go to anybody. She smiles alot and will laugh and giggle it is so much fun. She has the cutest little laugh EVER!
Looks so cute in Yellow.
She is still a great sleeper, likes to still sleep 12-14 hrs. at night along with two shorter naps in the day, my kind of girl! She has turned out to be so so busy, alot more than Easton ever was! She gets in to EVERYTHING!! Her favorites are to get into my jewelry armoire and pull out all my jewelry, get into the pantry and pull anything within reach off the shelves, ANYTHING IN THE BATHROOM or her brother's room. She is so busy and constantly wants to be moving she is always running her little head into everything or getting hurt. I should have taken a picture but I didn't want anyone to turn me in for child abuse but just last week she had three bruises on her forehead and a little black eye, all because of her busyness NOT because no one is watching her or I am a bad mom. We always say she was supposed to be born a MoNkEy because she loves to hang upside down and be thrown in the air. Oh and don't worry she still growls like she is a demon and I have yet to record it. She is becoming a better eater she likes crackers, Cheetos, any type of fruit, juice, pizza, fruit snacks, chicken nuggets and my personal favorite fries. But don't worry she eats MOSTLY fruits and veggies. She absolutely loves loves her bottle, I don't know if we will EVER get rid of that thing! She still mostly crawls but every now and then will stand up all by herself and will take one step, gets nervous and then falls down. I bet though within the next couple weeks she will for sure be walking. She still has NO TEETH which is ok by me because I don't have to worry about brushing yet but probably harder for her as far as eating goes. She throws little fits now which I think is funny and she will FAKE CRY, ya tell me about it she has figured that one out all ready. She points at things with her little pointer finger which is so cute. She loves our dog Maddie and any stuffed animal. She has recently discovered peek a boo and thinks it is so funny, she will even do it herself with her blanket or shirt. She also loves it when anyone claps, she will start clapping and say "ya ya ya ya ya" so we will always say "Yeah Grace girl" and she gets her big cute grin dimples and all on her face and start clamping for her self, it is so dang cute. She is so cute I just love her!! She doesn't really say a whole lot but gibberish...she can say the basics, mama, dadda,baba and we have been working on hi. She loves to play with my cell phone. So today while I was changing her I gave it to her to play with so she would hold still (like I said super busy, I guess that is what you get when your baby sleeps most the time. When she is awake just wants to go go go) and she will put it on her shoulder and instead of on her ear and today she did that and then said "HI DADA" it was the cutest thing I have ever heard. I thought to myself how appropriate for her first birthday!She has the smallest hands and feet still, and at this point only ways 19lbs. she still fits in 6-12 month clothes, 12-18 are HUGE on her! She is such a sweet heart and brings the sweetest spirit into our home, I don't know what we would do without her. She is constantly giving everyone kisses, she is seriously already so loving and affectionate. I love the moments when she will snuggle up to me and rest her little head on my shoulder, that usually will only happen when she gets hurt but hey I am not complaining I am just happy I get to love her. I am so thankful for her and am so so glad Heavenly Father sent her to our family, she truly adds to it and makes us all so happy. WE LOVE YOU GRACE GIRL, I can't believe you are one! This is a bitter sweet day for me. You are an angel. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!! What a great year this has been with you, we can't wait to see what the next year will bring.
That was fun to read. What a sweet tribute to our Gracie Girl. You need to copy, paste, and print that TODAY. Put it in her scrapbook. Ha ha! ;) I love that Gracie. Glad she was such a cutie for you on her birthday. She really is a sweetheart.
So so cute! I love that you admited that about her at first. It really is true though they come out looking a little crazy but its crazy how quickly they change and you just love them so much. I can't wait to take her pics she is so cute! And I have always been so jealous of you and your sisters and these sweet little girls. How fun!!! Happy Birthday!
Oh our sweet Gracie Girl! I love her bunches and bunches. I feel honored that my legs are in her birthday pic... haha! She makes me laugh! What a doll, I just love that wild thing!
Amy - she is so sweet and beautiful, just like her Mama!
Just so you know, the whole 'Daddy's girl' thing DOES get worse, but it's so fun to see the bond between a Daddy and his daughter - as you know, first hand!
I can't believe that I still have not seen her, I am such a horrible friend - WE NEED TO GET TOGETHER!!!
So fetchin cute! She is sooo you in so many ways!
That is sooo Crazy!!! Yikes that went by so fast. She looks so big in that las t picture! its amazing on everything that we've missed out on! Hopefully this is the last time though. Happy Belated Gracie. Only a couple months left ;) we can't wait to see you guys! loves kara
You guys have had a lot of birthdays the last little while. I bet you are worn out. That is crazy that all 3 of those little girls are turning 1. Time flys way to fast. I hope I see ya soon.
Cute family, I'm glad I found you. I found you through Kayli's blog. I just started blogging and love it. Love finding friends like you and seeing their great lives. Beautiful kids.
This post about Gracie is so sweet. Hasn't this last year gone by so fast? Happy birthday to her, you and your family are so cute.
Oh and I just have to mention how freaking cute you and your outfit are in the picture of all 4 of you sitting down- the one with the yellow cardigan and yellow shoes- you have always dressed so classy!
Wow Amy! Time flies. What an adorable little girl you have! Can't wait to read about all the trouble she gets into this next year!
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